Mike Terry 11-16-2019
Shoupade Park
Cobb County Historic Battlefield Park
Oakdale Road (click for map) Smyrna, GA 30080
Shoupade Park was created by Pulte Homes during construction of the surrounding Pulte Park Avenue housing development and donated to Cobb County in 2010. The River Line Historic Area formed a Friends of Shoupade Park group and adopted the park in September 2017 to raise its level of care with volunteer Friends. Contact Us to join the Friends.
Approx. 2-acre historic pocket park
Topography offers a panoramic view of the city of Atlanta
Enter the iron gate on Oakdale Rd. & follow the path to find 2 Civil War Shoupade forts, trench and artillery redan
4 interpretive signs for battlefield earthworks
Limited parking at Oakdale Road entrance
Cobb County Register of Historic Places - added March 28, 2017

Discovery Park at the River Line

Discovery Park Greenway Boardwalk Trail

Discovery Park at the River Line
Discovery Park at the River Line owned by Cobb County opened March 31, 2021
Ribbon cutting for the 1 + mile circle boardwalk & trail December 2, 2024
Eighty-three acres of Discovery Park is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Johnston's River Line. It is the largest intact Civil War battlefield remaining of the entire 6 mile Chattahoochee River Line, consisting of a contiguous trench line joining a Shoupade to a 7 gun anchor fort.*
Thanks to the Cobb County Board of Commissioners under Chairman Phil Secrist for saving this historic land from Bessemer Corp. development through successful litigation and land acquisition in the late 1980's. Thanks to the current Cobb County BOC and District 4 Commissioner, Lisa Cupid, for funding public access to this historic site.
the park is densely wooded with topographically shaped dirt trails along the historic earth works.
the 1 + mile boardwalk circular trail is flat bordering the Chattahoochee River. It offers a combination bike/ pedestrian hard surface and pedestrian dirt nature "ramble" trail
2 picnic tables are accessible along the historic trail near the boardwalk entrance
The new linear parking lot accommodates up to 20 cars and 2 buses
Rest rooms are located in the parking lot
Natural dirt-packed trails with interpretive signs circling the battlefield fortifications
*No metal detectors allowed in the park. Relic hunting is not permitted and is illegal here.

Trolley Line Park
4700 N. Church Lane, Smyrna 30080
Owned by Cobb County
Passive Linear Historic Park
This park is a landmark designating the old Trolley route from
Atlanta to Marietta
Park Benches
Interpretive signs
flat brick paved walkways ideal for walking or jogging

Nickajack Park
Recreational Park Owned by Cobb County
3 lighted baseball fields
Lighted basketball courts with 4 hoops
4 lighted tennis courts
Children's playground
Open air shelter house with picnic tables
Modern restrooms
Nickajack Creek pedestrian bridge to Lindley School

River Line Park
Soccer Park & Historic Site Owned by City of Smyrna
12 acres
Lighted soccer fields
Children's playground
Public restrooms
Concession stand
Walking trail leading to a Civil War Shoupade Fort
Green Space Parks
Cobb County bought over 300 acres of passive park land under the 2006 Parks Bond Program. The program was so successful, Cobb residents voted for another $40M Parks Bond in 2008, which finally received partial funding in 2017. More information is available at the Cobb Parks Coalition web site.