Donate by March 31, 2024 to support the Turner-Sewell Cemetery Headstone Repair Project detailed below.

The River Line Historic Area is an IRS approved 501c3 nonprofit all volunteer organization.  
Thank you for investing in
The River Line Historic Area
historic & natural resources preservation mission!
The Turner-Sewell Cemetery Headstone Repair Project
20240215_2024 Turner-Sewell head stone repair wo date

2024 Project Implementation

The River Line Historic Area is committed to 3  gravestone projects pictured here for the historic Turner-Sewell Cemetery.  We are accepting donations of any amount toward this project until March 31, 2024.  If donations exceed costs, extra funds will be applied to future River Line projects.  Just click on the Donation Button to make a contribution.

Attention: Kroger Customers

Donate without Dollars!

Kroger Customers

You can "donate without dollars" by using the Kroger Community Rewards Program at no cost to you!

Just select The River Line Historic Area from the Kroger nonprofit list that connects with your Kroger Plus card.  Your selection helps Kroger channel their charitable contributions toward the nonprofit of your choice.

Enroll using the simple instructions below, and each time you shop at Kroger using your Kroger Card, you will be supporting the River Line Historic Area, too!

The River Line Historic Area Nonprofit Organization Number for enrolling is GI688.

All supporters must have a registered Kroger Plus card account online to be able to link their card to the organization.

If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, you can obtain a digital Kroger Plus Card when creating an account online or at any Kroger store.  Link your card at:

If you have an existing account, click on “Sign In”, otherwise click on “Create an Account”.

If you are a new online customer:

1.  You will need to enter your email address, create a password, enter your zip code, click on favorite store, and agree to the terms and conditions.
2.  Once you are done entering your information you will get a message asking you to check your e-mail inbox and click on the link within the body of the e-mail that was sent to activate your Kroger account.

Already have a account?

1.  Enter your email address and password and click on “Sign In”.
2.  Click on Community then on Community Rewards” then click on enroll now, complete personal information, click on save.
3.  Enter your organization’s number (GI688) or name (The River Line Historic Area, Inc.) and then click on “Search”.
4.  Select your organization and click on “Save”.
5.  To verify that you enrolled correctly, you will see your organizations name on the right side of your account settings page.
6.  Once you are linked, you can start earning rewards immediately toward the organization you are supporting. (Note: The message saying that you are supporting an organization through the Kroger Community Rewards program will start printing on your receipt about 10 business days after you linked your card.

Remember, you must swipe your registered Kroger Plus Card or use your Alt ID when shopping for each eligible purchase to count.

Thank you for supporting the River Line Historic Area!


The Mark Cearfoss Memorial Project

Thanks to all who contributed funding!

Mark Cearfoss at Collins-Loyd Cemetery
Mark Cearfoss at Collins-Loyd Cemetery
River Line Historic Area President, Treasurer and Cemeteries Manager
A dedicated volunteer committed to preserving historic & natural resources within the Historic Area from 2015 until his unexpected passing on February 10, 2021.
Mark was a man of many talents indicated by his organizational titles.  He was a handyman with tools ranging from a chain saw to a paint brush that transitioned overgrown abandoned cemeteries to places of beauty.  After restoration of metal piping around a family plot at the Hooper-McWilliams Cemetery in 2019, Mark began his next project pictured on the left at the Loyd-Collins Cemetery; restoration of a decorative metal family plot fence gate.
The River Line Historic Area and Mark's widow, Diane, earmarked Mark's Memorial donations for the Collins-Loyd family plot's fence gate restoration (see photo).  The project is delayed due to related matters involving the attached deteriorated fence condition, the dislodged boxed tombs inside the fence, and cemetery property ownership change.  The gate was a trigger to a much larger project than anticipated, so we are gathering estimates for all components, anticipating the project could easily fall into year 2022.